Friday, December 17, 2010

Quickie Update

[Note of caution:  There are cupcakes in this post.  More cute than delectable-looking - they may BE delectable, but I didn't get one.  Anyhow, you can't say I didn't warn you.]

Hey there!  Yes, I'm still here, trying to stay sane with everything going on!  Posting around these parts may be sporadic during the next week or so, but I just wanted to give a quick update.

  • First, I noticed THREE of my favorite bloggers made it into this article on Woman's Day!  Congrats!!! I don't know how long the other folks featured have been maintaining, but Lori, Lynn, and Roni are some of the longer-term maintainers. I love all the good, sensible tips offered by all the featured bloggers.
  • Secondly, my food choices are really running the gamut between sensible and "d'oh!"  This made me glad that I went more diligent than not earlier this month.  I loved that, at the recent potluck I went to, the favorite dish was the roasted Brussels sprouts and there were lots of healthy choices.  I also found an amazingly worthy burger at a place in San Mateo called "Jack's Prime" during another co-worker lunch.  (Debby, if you ever want to try it, let me know!  They have the most gorgeous side salad, included in the price of the meal, and they will serve any burger without a bun.)
  • I'm more abashed at zero exercise over the last two (three if you count today) days than I am about my food choices.  It means I'm putting other things ahead of my health for the moment.  BUT I take it as a good sign that I felt more envy than awe when a friend of mine was describing her gym workouts.  Definitely a temporary blip in the grand scheme of things.
  • It's raining here.  We stayed up too late finishing our Christmas cards.  Right now, I'm wondering how I'm going to stay awake for the work function tonight.
  • To end on a light note:  I was at school this morning, in the office, when the mom of one of Thing 2's classmates walked in with a tray of reindeer cupcakes for the class party this afternoon.  
[All together now:  "Aawwww!"]
 The other classmates' mom said appreciatively, "Thanks for being the mom I'm not!"
Hope you all have a great weekend, everybody!  Stay warm & dry & healthy!



  1. Oh yumm. HOw could I want one of those cupcakes with all the junk I've ingested today? But I do. Oh well, only two more days of work and then maybe I can break the spell. Its weird. I'll be thinking of all my favorite healthy foods that I am not eating and that I miss, and I'll walk by another plate of cookies and grab one. Aaaargh! Just like you said--my food choices are really running the gamut between sensible and "d'oh!"

    Second, YES I want to meet up at the hamburger place. Like today LOL. Maybe on my next trip to the Bay Area after I get back from Africa.

    Yeah. Its raining here too. I'm tired of it. But I always say immediately inside my head 'better not complain about it!'

    Thanks for posting. I think I'm using your blog as my confessional!

  2. Eeeeee - cupcakes! I almost dove to the bottom of the post to see them first :D

    I feel very honored to be in the presence of Lynn and Roni in that article. I had no idea it was a compilation of bloggers - and a great resource.

  3. oh

    you rocked those cupcakes.
    Im so so so hiring you when I volunteer to be room mom next year :)
