Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Breakfast:  The usual chedder + tomato omelette, usual toast, 2 mugs of the usual coffee

Pre-workout [not shown]: The other half a bag of Kale Crunchies.

The workout:  My strength class at the gym (60 minutes).  We did the one-legged deadlifts combined with a reverse lunge, used the pilates rings for some inner thigh work, and we used the resistance bands for some leg and bicep work; also ab, back, and tricep work.  This class hits everything!  Which is why I keep coming back.  (My hammies, glutes, and arms are really feeling it today!)

I took a bottle of water with low-sugar electrolyte drink mix; I think this really helps keep my energy levels up during class.

Lunch: 2 oz. rib meat, 1/2 sweet potato (about 2 oz.) with butter, and a clementine orange.

I also had a handful of pecan nuts (est. 1 oz.).  I think I was craving more salt.

Later on: 17 raw almonds.

Ooooo, decisions!  Nope, the cup of tea won today!  The chocolate remains unopened.

Dinner: 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes

Bless that man, he had to go and make guacamole! I started with 7 chips and guacamole.  I had 5 more of that lovely combo after that.

Main dish was our chicken especial - I had 4 ounces of the chicken, and I'm estimating about a cup of the "soup" part (enchilada sauce, sour cream, cream cheese, chiles, and onion).

Nutritional summary of the day:
2243 calories (about 2142 net; I estimated my class to burn 101 calories, my old estimate for BodyPump class, based on a study I'd read somewhere about its calorie burn.)
145.6 grams fat (51.7 grams saturated)
147 grams carbs (19.3 fiber, 52.9 sugar)
110 grams protein
3rd "no sugar added" day in a row.  Not that it's helping >;-/
Made my 3+ veggie goal
Made my fluid goal (had 9 cups, counting the coffee)

Why does this feel so bleeping hard?!?  How can such a seemingly "normal" amount of food end up being so many calories? Yeah, I know, even healthy fats like nuts and avocado are calorically dense.  I suppose I could cut back on fats used as condiments (my sweet potato would probably have tasted just fine without that pat of butter on it).  To make "budget" today, for example, I could have cut the butter and been more careful about the guacamole (measured instead of just scooping and guesstimating, for example).  Oh, well, better luck with it tomorrow....


  1. Hi--

    First time commenting-- really enjoy your blog!

    I tend to go overboard on nuts, & I had been counting almonds as 7 calories each. Turns out, after weighing my almonds, I discovered that they were actually 10+ calories each. So my 20 almonds were actually more than 200 calories. Since then, I've been weighing out nut portions when I'm counting calories.

  2. It doesn't look like you're eating that much food! Yeah, us shorties really don't need as much food to be full. Plus, don't you get an extra calorie allotment for running around after kids?

  3. I know that would shock many of my clients and continually shocks my cal.counting husband: HOW CAN JUST A NORMAL AMOUNT OF FOOD ADD ADD UP?!

    and Im with debbie.
    we short peeps git short changed :)

