Friday, December 3, 2010

Thursday 2 December 2010

Wow!  We were doing the morning rush, and then Mr. Handsome-and-Handy noticed that the curtains were glowing pink.  So we rushed over and saw a magnificent sunrise! (It was, of course, a lot more gorgeous and glowing than in the photo.  But I had to try and share it with you all.)

Breakfast:  2 eggs with chorizo (forgot to ask Mr. H&H if it was regular or the TJ's soy chorizo - I think the latter, because it tasted like taco meat!), usual toast, 2 mugs of the usual coffee.

Snack:  I'm guesstimating 1/2 an ounce of pecans?  One of these scoops is a little over 2 Tbsp.

Lunchtime stroll:  I walked 2 miles at lunchtime, and it's beginning to look a lot like....

...cute penguins!!!  (I'm feeling covetous of this one.  Wish we had more storage space!)

I also got to chat with my BFF Abbie on the phone.  She lives in Portland, OR, and I got to 'fess up that I'm feeling kind of nervous about the Las Vegas trip.  Will it be fun?  Will I fit in?  Can I go 13.1 miles on foot?  (My longest ever has been 8 miles.)  Oh, and where will I eat?!?  There are almost too many choices and super pricey.  I haven't been to that city in 13 years, and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.  I'm also kind of laughing at myself:  I've done some pretty bold stuff in my life, yet this trip has me quivering in a scaredy-weenie way.  Fortunately, I have the amazing Foodie McBody and her daughter, Jr. McBody, to hang with! :-)

Lunch:  Leftover "chicken especial" (2 oz. chicken, about 3/4 cup of the soupy part), 6 mini dill pickles, 1 large apple, and 1/2 a bag of spinach.  The spinach I ate through the afternoon with 2 tsp of "Better than Bouillon" veggie base - it makes a wonderful broth.  I felt nice & full all day.

Snack: 14 almonds

On arriving home, I found that my reading material for the trip arrived!  It's blogger and writer extraordinaire Charlotte Hilton Andersen's book, "The Great Fitness Experiment!"  OMG and Woo HOOO!!!  Thing 2 had to get in the picture, too.  "Do I look like a baby kitty?"

Dinner time!  I enjoyed 4 chicken legs, 1 cup of cauliflower, and a nice green salad with tomato, celery, and cucumer.  Oh, and my new favorite dressing on all the veggies:  Potsticker/gyoza dipping sauce!  The one I found in the cupboard had only 10 calories per tablespoon - a lot better stats than salad dressing!  The main ingredients are water, soy sauce, sugar, and a skosh of sesame oil, so it would be easy enough to make.

I also had some calories to spare, so I had a nice, cold glass of non-fat milk with dinner.

Things I'm proud of today:
- Another "no sugar added" day (that's 4 now)
- I skipped the weekly goodie tray at work
- I was under my calorie goal!
- I got plenty of fluid - I'm drinking up lots of water with electrolytes that I got at Whole Foods and the broth with the spinach helped a lot, too.  Met my goal there.
- Also met my veggie/fruit goal.
- I got outside for a walk.

Nutritional data:
1694 total (if we take away the 138 exercise calories, that's 1555 net calories)
88.1 grams of fat (21.8 grams saturated)
108.7 grams carbs (20.3 grams fiber, 54.7 grams sugar)
121.4 grams protein

Friday postcript:  Well, the scale was up .2 this morning.  I'm not surprised - I really didn't feel any different.

The inner toddler rages:  "No FAIR!!!  I've been GOOOD!!!  I don't WANNA - You can't MAKE ME!!!"
The inner parent smiles in gentle amusement:  "She cleaned her room today.  (Oh, but everything's just stuffed in the closet - hey, I used to do that!  Hee hee.)  So she's expecting a pony?"

Here's how I'm dealing:  I put on one of my new blouses (scored at Target!  J'aime beaucoup le TarJJJJAY!) and some of my favorite earrings and necklace - I hardly ever wear jewelry, but this cheered me. And I've budgeted calories for a Starbucks skinny caramel latte at lunchtime.

P.P.S. - Welcome, Kathy!  So glad you enjoy the blog!  Oh, those nuts are really something, aren't they?  So tasty, so healthy...yet so calorically dense.  To fill you in a little, I lost most of my weight through following a program based on serving sizes and food types, with lots of weighing and measuring.  I then moved to calorie counting for a bit.  That got a bit crazy-making, so I winged things for awhile (ala intuitive eating), and stayed pretty stable.  I fired up this food blog to help keep me aware and accountable during that time, and it worked for awhile.  I have a tendency toward "portion creep" if I don't pay attention; I suspect that caused my recent upsurge that wouldn't go away.  So now I'm in "retraining" mode, to get myself to be a bit more aware of what a "normal" portion size is again and back in touch with what I really need food-wise.


  1. It seems like each day you are getting a better handle on the food. That's a good thing! Kind of like how portion creep slowly inches up, sometimes they have to inch back down, too. That's always harder for some reason...

    You'll do great in Vegas. I guess the only affordable thing there is booze, though. Cheap booze - expensive everything else!

  2. What a great way to start the day--with such a beautiful sunrise! Your food looks good too!

    Regarding Vegas--we were just there about two weeks ago, and I found the city to be very different and much more enjoyoable than the last time we were there. Everything looks new and "pretty." We also enjoyed the Red Rock Canyon area for outdoor viewing of very nice scenery. Things are certainly more expensive in Vegas than they used to be, particularly the meals and the shows, but I think you'll enjoy it.

  3. That is a gorgeous sunrise--thanks for sharing it!

    Can hardly wait to hear your Vegas report--you'll do great!

    There's a recipe for Crispy Pecans in my Nourishing Traditions cookbook--maybe like our TJ roasted salted pecans? I'll let you know.
