Monday, July 26, 2010

Friday 23 July 2010

Breakfast:  In the interest of pampering myself a bit, I decided to pick up breakfast on the way in to work.  I went to Whole Foods and made myself a "breakfast salad": a bed of spinach and some grape tomatoes, a few pieces of roasted potato, some of the egg casserole (egg, cheese, ham, spinach), a bit of the sausage & peppers (mostly peppers), and bacon.  This was really pretty; it's too bad the picture turned out so dim.  And tasty!  I like the way the spinach wilted a little under the hot food.  To drink, a strawberry Olade, which I liked a lot better than the lemon Olade.  It tasted like strawberry lemonade, so a little sweet but a lot tart.  Yum!  This held me a long was 5 hours before I noticed I was hungry, and another hour before I started getting hangry...

Mugs of coffee: I had three of these today.  Two from home, with the almond milk and half-and-half, and one at work with just half-and-half and inulin powder.

Lunchtime: Yes (*sigh*), at my desk. 2 oz. leftover pork and chili beans, salad. That tangle of green in my salad bowl is broccoli sprouts, an impulse buy at Whole Foods.

Dinner, part 1: Got the call from the family; they had eaten already and I was on my own for dinner. I was super hungry when I left work today, and I still had a cheese stick and an apple that I hadn't eaten. I was tempted to eat them in the car, but I made myself take the 5 minutes to sit by the fountain and eat them in a more leisurely fashion. I'm happy that I was able to catch myself here and see the eating-in-the-car as the false economy that it is.

Dinner, part 2: I was still hungry when I arrived at home. I had 2 little cups of nuts (1 shown) and 1 glass of Merlot. (Some people see pink elephants...)

Still hungry an hour or two later. Dessert? 1 slice flax toast with peanut butter and sugar-free jam, 8 oz. non-fat milk.

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