Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week of Eats: Saturday 17 July

Breakfast:  I was a bit late getting up.  I had two little dishes of sausage gravy (1 shown here), two slices of my flax toast (both with butter+canola spread, one with apricot sugar-free jam), 2 coffee with almond milk and half-and-half.  We usually get the kids donuts on Sunday, but since Mr. Handsome-and-Handy and Thing 1 were going to a train show, today was donut day.  I had one hole and a half-inch wide slice of Thing 2's leftover chocolate glazed twist.  (Post-meal was 124 at 1.5 hours after, so all was a-ok with the carbs.)

Snack:  Breakfast was late, and Thing 2 and I being on our own today, we decided to go out to lunch. But Thing 2 wanted a leisurely bath, so she played while I got in a little 25 minute workout.  I knew I'd be hangry if I didn't have a little something before we went shopping, so I had some nuts and half a cup of milk.
Lunch:  Thing 2 had a hankering for a hot dog.  Most of the places in town that would have a hot dog are breakfast and lunch only, and close at 2 p.m.  It was now 3:30, so we headed to the harbor, where I knew the Princeton Seafood take-out window would have a hot dog. (And fish & chips that are divine!)  (Also love their motto: "We serve crabs and other fine customers.")

This is the "snack size" fish and chips!
Thing 2:  "Take a picture of my lunch, too, Mommy!"  (She got a hot dog and a chocolate shake.  It was huge, and we ended taking a big portion of it home.)
Her hot dog was sandwich-style, and it came with tomato, lettuce, onion, and pickle slices.  She gladly traded for most of my fries.  I made a lettuce "fish taco" with one of the fillets, ate the other one, some fries, and a couple of sips of her shake.

Dinner:  Because we all ate lunch late (the boys went for pizza), we had snacky dinner.  Those sips of shake gave me a yen for something cold and chocolatey.  I made a smoothie with 1 scoop of no sugar added vanilla ice cream, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder, 1 cup of almond milk, and a couple of heaping spoonfuls of unsweetened cocoa powder.  It's truly worth it to buy good quality cocoa powder, I've found; the cheap stuff seems more bitter and less flavorful to me.  Thing 1 loved it (he had a couple of sips), but Thing 2 tasted the almonds.  It's funny, I don't even taste the nuttiness of almond milk anymore.

Thing 2 loves bike riding now.  I have a computer on my bike, and we rode 4 miles, just riding all the little streets in our neighborhood and around near our house.  It's not strenuous riding, but I'm hoping it will build up to Thing 2 wanting to go on adventurous rides someday. :-)  Thing 1 also loves bike riding, and he has a bit more speed and endurance, but he was tired from their outing and didn't ride with us for quite as long.  Mr. Handsome & Handy is talking about getting a trailer rack, so we can take all of our bikes places.  Hurray!


  1. Oh dear. I think I just might need to make a trip to that fish and chips place. Haven't had them in an age. And I do LOVE good fish and chips!

  2. Sausage gravy?? YUM!

    And yay also for fish and chips and biking.
