Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week of Eats: Monday 12 July

Today was the first day of my "Week of Eats": a photo food journal.  All the cool kids seem to be doing this now, with the surge in mindful eating from the Two Fit Chicks podcast.  Foodie McBody started one, inspired by Mary of A Merry Life's food blog.  It does seem like a good way to make oneself pause and contemplate the food that will be fueling one's body.

Anyhow, I'm going to experiment with this for a week.  If it feels like it helps, I might keep it up longer.  If I find it too crazy-making, out it goes.  Maybe I'll even incorporate it into the regular blog, but then I'd sort of feel like I was copying Lori of Finding Radiance and Biz of Biggest Diabetic Loser, who include daily photos of their eats as part of their blogs.

For days now, I've been mentally gearing up to start, but I always think of it after the fact. So today, I took the plunge and started photographing at lunch. You'll see a lot of "whoops, I ate before I clicked" photos, but I'm working toward this being something I do naturally *before* I eat.

Sketch of breakfast:  I ate a donut hole, 1/4 banana, and a cup of coffee with almond milk and 1/2 and 1/2 between 30-day Shred and my run.  After my run, I had a PB&J with Alvarado St. Bakery flax bread (2 slices=15 carb), approx. 2 Tbsp peanut butter, and approx. 2 Tbsp sugar-free apricot jam.
And another cup of coffee.  Yum!

I was tempted to dine "al desko", but it was such a pretty day.  So I took my cottage cheese, salad, and Attune dark raspberry bar out by the fountain to eat, and went for a nice stroll after lunch.

Afternoons are tricky.  I had about 2 Tbsp peanut butter, 2 Tbsp wheat germ mushed into it, and about 1/4 tsp of vegan dark chocolate ganache stuff...which didn't quite seem to be enough chocolate, so I added 12 grams of 72% dark chocolate.  Ahhh, that did the trick.

I was feeling some boredom, and wanted flavor.  I had a couple of sugar-free Altoids.  
If these things don't scream "PEPPERMINT!", then you're not listening.

Not sure if I felt super hungry, but I was a little hungry, so I had a little fiber-enriched apricot fruity strip.

Dinner time: About 4 oz. steak with sauce and spinach salad with yellow bell peppers and grape tomatoes and celery, with balsamic vinegrette. Yum!

Bowl of cauliflower with olive oil, garam marsala, garlic, and salt.  Oooo, this was good!

Ruh-roh.  Had a few bites of leftovers from Thing 2's tray. (1/4 banana and 4 bites of steak)...

...Handful-in-a-cup of extra-crunch peanuts...

...Shared this totally worthy piece of Just Desserts lemon cake with Mr. Handsome-and-Handy
(Whew, last of my sister-in-law's birthday cake, thank goodness!)...

...Another whoops! shot: I took a bite out of the carton with this spoon.  
And there, the evening munchie madness ended, as I busied myself with packing lunch for the next day.

Busy little camera this evening.  I'm going to pack a little more carefully for during the day eating, and see if that helps rein in the evening snacking somewhat.  I suspect that's more habit than needing to eat.


  1. aah, wheat germ & pb! that sounds kind of good. I've been wondering what I can do with the big ol' jar of wheat germ I have. Your breakfast sketch made me laugh b/c I was actually thinking that I should just draw the food I forgot to photograph.

  2. PG, can I just say I LOVE your sense of humor. SKETCHING your bfast-fabulous! And I am getting lots of good food ideas from you. Steak and cheese--yumm. And chicken legs. I love them and haven't had them in an age. such an easy snack to grab. Good 'drive home' food for me.
