Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Breakfast: Bright and early and "to go" (hello, 7 a.m. Pilates class that's 30 minutes away!). Kind bar and a mug of green tea.

Post-workout snack: 2 cups coffee with half-and-half at work. Coffee cake was about 3/4 serving. (I noticed that the cake puffed up in the middle; the center was nearly double the height of the sides. Anyone know how to make a sheet cake more level? I think that next time, I will go by weight, weighing the pan before I put in the batter and then again after baking, then divide by 12 to discover how many ounces or grams per serving.)

Notice that I delayed taking those fish pills until after Pilates class.  (We spend a great deal of class laying down on our backs and crunching our abs, then prone on an exercise ball, lifting our legs.)  You see, I am learning things in there!

Lunch: I got this idea from Debby, when she wrote about peaches, Laughing Cow cheese, and walnuts. This is lowfat cottage cheese and fresh peaches from a neighbor. Oh my gosh, it was so good!!! I think the peaches have to be very peachy tasting and sweet for best effect.

Afternoon snack: I was hangry after my lunchtime errands. I wanted to see if this meant I was having a low, so I measured my blood glucose levels. Nope, 95, which is definitely not a low! (But not overly high, either; I could still eat something.) I ate the cheese stick and celery first, then gradually ate about 3 ounces of that can of nuts.

While on my lunchtime errands, I thought to myself, "I can stop at Trader Joe's and get a big bag of JUST roasted, salted pecan nuts." And you know what? I remembered a guest post on FoodFoodBodyBody: "Pat Barone on Driving Permanent Weight Change". Pat stated, "Whenever I see myself becoming attached to a certain food, or I hear 'an energy buzz' around it, I know I’m putting more meaning into that food than it deserves or I want. Then, it’s time to take a step back and remember: Food is fuel." Whoa. Did I know what she meant by the "energy buzz." I was feeling an "energy buzz" around the idea of pecans. I don't think I wanted those pecans to be anything other than their lovely, pecan selves. But craving itself has its own energy, so I decided to skip TJs during that errand.

However, I did find a can of "Pecan Mix" at Rite Aid: Pecans, cashews, and pistachios. Well, I still really wanted some pecans, but the strong, "I want to eat a whole, big ol' bagful!" energy was gone. So I bought them and ate a bunch.

This is the part that will make anyone reading shake their head, because it sounds insane. It even sounds insane to me. I had a hard time pulling up from that can of nuts. So I tried the 74% Solution: maybe if I had a little chocolate, it would break the spell of the nuts. Oddly enough, 3 little rectangles did the trick. I think it worked because nuts + dark chocolate is often my dessert at home, and it said, "I'm done eating."

Dinner: No, not just these! But this is the part that gets really weird. Mr. Handsome-and-Handy and The Things had gone out to eat, and so I was on my own for dinner. I decided to pick up some goat cheese at...yes, Trader Joe's! I had no desire for pecans. The walnuts sounded really good, though, especially since Debby ate them with her peaches and Laughing Cow, and I thought they'd go nicely with my peaches and cottage cheese. I ate four before eating dinner. (Several things interrupted meal prep after this: a gorgeous sunset making the light on the hills behind our house AMAZING, watching a brief video that Thing 2 wanted me to see, and chatting with Mr. Handsome-and-Handy while putting away the TJ's swag.)

Here is one of my food finds from Whole Foods! It's a wheat-free raw crust. Gee, doesn't that sound appetizing? The nutrition stats might perk your taste buds, one of these planks is as follows: "Calories 210, Calories from Fat 139, Total Fat 15.4g, Saturated Fat 1.5g, Trans Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0 mg, Sodium 126mg, Total Carbohydrate 10.2g, Dietary Fiber 7.3g, Protein 7.6g". I like the flavor; they are savory and salty and crunchy. They're a little messy, but they go great with spreadable cheese. And each one takes forever to eat! (On seeing this, Mr. Handsome-and-Handy said, "I could have gotten you a bird seed brick from the feed store, you know.")

Here's the full meal: a crust, some herbed goat cheese, and a salad with my garbanzos, lettuce, tomato, and artichoke hearts. I wanted to love the TJ's red wine and olive oil dressing I bought, but alas! No punch of vinegar. So I added extra vinegar. I also had 2 strawberries (1 shown) from our plant. And the last of the Merlot.  (I bought a pot full of herb plants, including mint, so I'll be showing you all how to make sugar-free mojitos this weekend!)

This took a really long time to much so, I was reminded of Shauna's comment on the last Two Fit Chicks podcast, in which she remembers eating a salad one time by herself and how long she seemed to be chewing!  Everyone was off doing their own thing, so this was a quiet meal...a little too quiet.  Maybe next time I won't go for stuff that takes so long to eat, although that's usually a good thing in my book.

Dessert: The family saved me a cookie, and I ate it with some more walnuts.


  1. Walnuts. I see you've finally seen the light. The ultimate nut. I could go on, but I might just get one of those energy buzzes and have to eat some myself. Love cottage cheese and almost any fruit. Canteloupe especially. You are right, peaches need to be ripe and sweet to go well. Adding the walnuts--can you believe I've never tried it?

    I'd probably like those crusts. I notice I'm liking rawer and rawer grain type things. I like the chewiness.

  2. LOL at the birdseed. My husband looked at one of my proteined-up omelets one time and He said I should just eat a steak next time :D

    I wonder how half of one of those planks would be crumbled on top of oatmeal??

  3. @Debby: Mmmm, canteloupe! That sounds like a good mix with cottage cheese. Regarding the crusts, they're not chewy exactly, but they are crunchy and it takes a long time to chew all those little seeds. (And you'll definitely need your Eclipse gum after these...)

    @Lori: The ones I bought were savory and a little spicy. The same company makes a breakfast crust that would probably be much better over oatmeal or yogurt. (It has dried fruit, so I'm a little reluctant to try. Raisins spike me.)
