Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday 25 July 2010

Breakfast:  3 mugs of coffee (almond milk + half-and-half), 2 donut holes (1 shown)... omlette, which had exactly the same stuff as breakfast yesterday.  I love the bacon/chedder/tomato/chive combination.

...and the rest of Thing 2's chocolate glazed twist.  

Lunch: We ate lunch fairly late in the afternoon.  I had about 6 oz. of hamburger (3 shown here, and 3 not shown), 1 slice of cheese...

...and I ate peanut butter with the apples.

Snack: Peanuts and 15 chocolate chips.

Dinner: 4 oz. sausage, 1/2 plate broccoli with butter and garam marsala, salt, and garlic.  And 2 of the little cups of mixed nuts.

Dessert: If you couldn't tell, there was some stress feeding going on.  We had some bad health news about Mr. Handsome-and-Handy's aunt, so we were both on edge a little bit today, awaiting further developments.  I even did some compulsive baking...luckily of the somewhat healthy variety.  I tried making Georgie's (of cinnamon streusel coffee cake.  (LOVE her site!)

Oh my, this turned out terrific, if I do say so myself!  I substituted some of the water in the cake part with vanilla extract and orange extract, and added zest from two oranges.  I also had to use a packet of plain oatmeal + some oat bran for the topping, since we were out of quick oats.  I had to double up on the vanilla instead of using the vanilla + rum extract, which is what she recommended if one didn't have the rum extract.  And I'm sure it would be amazing with the Saigon cinnamon she recommends, but I used the standard stuff and it worked out fine.  (I wanted to make it extra flavorful for Thing 2, in hopes she would like it plain, since she doesn't like cinnamon.  I forgot that she didn't much like muffins, either.  Oh well.)  I had the 1/2 (cut for me) + 1/4 (Thing 2's taste test) shown, plus two 1/4 pieces when it first cooled, for a total of 1-1/4 servings.  Three of the 1/4s were plain (no cinnamon topping), so they had less sugar; the total amount turned out to be pretty blood glucose friendly for me, at 116 after 1 hour. (So not something I'd eat with other carbs, or for breakfast.  It does have a generous amount of protein in there with that carb, good fiber, and low sugar for something this sweet-tasting.)  Mr. Handsome-and-Handy was pleasantly surprised by the taste and the portion size, and Thing 1 wolfed down his piece.

Since I was on a kitchen roll, I sort of messed up the cinnamon mood by baking up a batch of crunchy roasted garbanos beans....oh well!  I probably ate an ounce of those, and I was too lazy to photograph them.  I experimented with these a little, going for a piri-piri flavor, and I'm not sure it worked, although they're still very flavorful and tasty to me.

Good heavens! She's not done yet?  No, apparently not.  I almost didn't take a picture here, but wandered into my bedroom to get a shot, since that's where the camera was.  I at half of this half packet, and felt done. Finally.

[There!  Finally caught up!  Whew]


  1. Wow! You posted a lot today. Thanks for the review of Georgie's coffee cake. I've been wanting to make that but don't have one of the ingredients... For now I am enjoying my TVP carrot cake.

    What a terrific party. Glad you enjoyed yourself.

  2. The coffee cakes sounds delicious! Hopefully you'll get good news about your Aunt! :D
