Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday 26 July 2010

Breakfast:  1/3 banana before Torture Time with Jillian (aka Shred, Level 1) and Yoga Time with Rodney, and then 2 slices of leftover french toast (made with flax bread) with peanut butter and sugar-free maple syrup, plus coffee with almond milk and half-and-half x2.

Lunch: Big whoops on lunch today! The illustration will give you some idea of what I ate...it was half a package of Tuscan veggies, 3 oz. leftover sausage, and 2 Tbsp of light Italian dressing. And about 2/3 serving of the coffee cake. I decided to eat in the breakroom and visit with a coworker today, rather than skulking off to my cube. (I brought in my leftover coffee cake and warmed it in the toaster oven. It went quickly!)

Snack: Whoops! Snarfed down half already! Approximately 8 oz. Nonfat Chobani, 1/2 orange, 1
"donut peach", 1 tsp inulin, 1/2 tsp cinnamon

Dinner:  Steak (guessing 5-6 ounces, depending on how much that bone weighs), steak sauce, salad (yes, there is salad under that cheese) with Italian dressing, and cheese (I ate about double the shown square).

I ended up adding these to my salad, they're the crunchy roasted garbanzo beans I made yesterday.  I was trying for a piri-piri seasoning, but it didn't work too well.  I used lemon peel and juice, but it just didn't "pop" like it does when I make a marinade.  They still worked great as croutons, though.  (I originally got the recipe for piri-piri marinade from Sunset Magazine's Piri-Piri Chicken recipe.  Click here for the chicken recipe, here for just the marinade; the two are linked.  It's actually kind of tricky to cook with the whole chicken; we've had really good luck using it for a chicken and veggie shish-kabob marinade.  This would probably also go really well with veggies only or shrimp.  It's bright and warm and spicy-tasting.)

Dessert: About 1/2 ounce peanuts and 15 chocolate chips.

1 comment:

  1. Oh your drawings are priceless, I'm reading the salad dressing label for the second time when I finally get it! Thanks for my evening amusement. And also for some good food ideas. I'm guessing you really like Indian food? Every time I see a spice/seasoning term I don't understand, I think it must be Indian flavoring.

    Oh nuts, how I love thee.

    Must look for that flax bread--Trader Joe's?
