Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Breakfast:  The usual...and a spider!  (I do love me some kid art!)

At the podiatrist:  I met with the podiatrist this morning.  He checked out my foot, and said there wasn't any damage.  (No stress fracture or tendon stuff - whew!)  He gave me an ankle brace, checked out my old shoes and noticed that I supinate - said I needed to buy some New Balance 1123 or Brooks Beast shoes and also needed orthotics for my athletic shoes only.  I got the okay to start fitness walking once I get the proper shoes, then running after I get the orthotics.  I also need to wear the ankle brace during walking/running workouts.  If I don't do all that, I have stress fractures in my future.

So, I'm a little bummed that we have to up the ante on my fitness equipment.  No more $30 shoes at Target. :-(  I also need to see if The Walking Company will take back the inserts and give me a refund - got a note from the doctor saying they were not okay for my feet, so hopefully that will convince them, but I didn't keep the packaging.  Ugh, I hate having to do stuff like that, but if they don't, then there is a chunk of wasted money.  Stress...

Pre-workout snack:  Blackberries, Clementine orange, and 2% Greek-style yogurt.  Yuuum!  And good fuel for CardioSculpt class.  Class today was quite glutes-intensive, not to mention arms.

Lunch (post-workout):  Green beans, steak without sauce, and "candy" - a square of Valrhona dark chocolate (yeay, TJ's, for having it reasonably priced!) + a lump of peanut butter + toasted wheat germ.  I mushed up the wheat germ into the peanut butter for additional crunchy texture, then dipped the chocolate.  I'm going to date myself here:  anyone remember the old Reese's peanut butter cup commercials?  "Hey - you got your chocolate in MY peanut butter!"  "Yeah?  Well you got your peanut butter on MY chocolate!"  Just imagine a 3rd hippy character in the mix with a jar of wheat germ:  "Whoa, chill out, man!  Like, your peanut butter and chocolate and my wheat germ taste way radical together."  I think the only reason wheat germ didn't get into the Reese's recipe is - you know - it's too crunchy-granola for The Man.

Mr. H&H got sick, so I needed to leave work early.  Downside?  More stress at missing work.  Upside?  Got to see more of the kids.

Oh look!  Cute kids in Halloween costumes!  (They got to wear costumes to dance class today.)

Mid-afternoon:  Here's the part of the last ounce of beef jerky I ate this afternoon.

I also had some nuts.

Dinner: 3 of the meatloaf "muffins" and some baby carrots.

I had many more of these than shown.

"Oh no he DID-n't!"  Yes, Mr. H&H brought mini meat sticks back into our house, for Thing 2's lunches, but did I have to open them?  Nooooo.  She's notoriously picky on protein that can be packed into lunch, especially now that nut-eating students are placed at a particular table at lunchtime.  (A "nut table" was established because a couple of kids have been diagnosed with nut allergies at our school.  At least we can still do PB&J for Thing 1...have no idea what we'd go with if those were forbidden!)

Don't worry - I did exercise SOME restraint when it came to these and consumed only 4 french fries.  Took a picture of Thing 2's to remind me that I did it.

I had many more than shown here.  I managed to get myself to stop after whipping up the no-sugar-added hot cocoa.


  1. Ooh. Restraint around french fries--that is good!

    Har-dee-har on the wheat germ and reeses bit. You have a good imagination.

    And, I am glad you are getting the right 'equipment' for your feet. You know--diabetes and good foot care go together like peas and carrots. I sound kind of like a cross between a bossy mother and Forrest Gump.

  2. Your food looks wonderful--and best of all--healthy! I wish we had a Whole Foods closer (it's 80 miles away). Also, you're lucky to have another cook at your house.

    I'm glad you're taking care of your foot. I have a chronic achilles problem, and if I would have taken care of it years ago, it may not be such a problem at this point in my life. Good for you!
