Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday 28 October 2010

Breakfast:  Tea and toast with almond butter and sugar-free apricot jam.  (I know, something different!)  I also popped into the local coffee place on the way to work and picked up the biggest cup, a mix of chocolate raspberry, mocha java decaf, and Sumatran, with half-and-half.  Yuuuuuum!

Lunch:  Whole Foods hot bar.  It was an odd mix of stuff today.  I had a bunch of mixed veggies, some sweet potato, a little of an Indian dish with peas and tofu, a dab of shepherd's pie, and a chicken wing.

I also ate a whole bag of "Kale Krunchies" outside by the waterway.  Then I took a stroll through the work neighborhood and enjoyed the Halloween decorations.  Most were not nearly as gruesome as that the Addams Family Condo I showed the other day.

Kitteh can haz pumpkin?

Rats.  You can't see it very well, but the upper window has a Frankenstein face in it, giving the appearance of the house barely containing a giant.  (Of course, the creepy effect put me in mind of Clifford the Big Red Dog books...which made it seem more absurd than anything.)

The Mr. Potato Head decor on the pumpkin was rather cute!

I liked this string of jack o' lantern lanterns.

Pink spider for Lori!

And then there was this condo, apparently attacked by chewing-gum-spinning spiders...

Afternoon snackage: Dark chocolate with peanut butter - from the Thursday office goody tray.

And some grapes

And some dry-roasted wasabi edamame.

Reason #3,452 that I adore Mr. Handsome-and-Handy: No, not because he cooks me dinner (that's reason #10) nor because he's a really good cook (reason #5), but because he will grill any weird vegetable I bring home.  Those pretty scalloped-looking things are grilled acorn squash.  It was nearly impossible to cut, let alone peel, so he left the skin on and grilled them.  Grilling acorn squash makes it dryer than, say, baking it, but it was tasty with butter/canola spread.  The skin got very hard and brittle, like a shell, so the innards peeled right out. "Peel-and-eat squash," he called it.

Dessert:  We got some Sees in the mail from my dad & step-mom.  I had a bite of chocolate butter (not shown - it's weird, but they taste like coconut to me now), this half, and half of the one shown below.

Later on, after the kids went to bed, I felt like something warm, so I made some decaf coffee and put cocoa powder in the basket with the grounds.  Not sure it worked very well, but with the almond milk, half-and-half, and a titch of orange extract, I could almost imagine I was drinking a cafe borgia (which is a mocha with orange syrup in it, really tasty).


  1. I am glad I am not the only one that eats at a hot bar that way LOL! I get little bits of this and that, but it makes me perfectly happy.

    I just looks warm where you are. Can air look warm in pictures?

  2. Oh dear, See's candy! My dad got me a box while my brother is visiting. Fortunately, it is still at his house!

    Yummy eats and great halloween pics! Does acorn squash taste like butternut squash?

  3. I wish I had a Whole Foods that was closer to me - I love their hot salad bar!

    I actually picked up an acorn squash - wasn't sure what I would do with it - but never thought to grill it! :D

    Happy Monday!
