Breakfast: Coffee, omelet, and some donut, so no toast today.
Also had some more coffee when I got to work.
Pre-workout snack: One of these bars. I also made up a bottle of water with low-sugar fitness mix (4 grams sugar, 6 grams total carb per packet) for my treadmill running workout.
Workout time! I've found snapping a photo of my workout summaries to be a good way to preserve the info for Daily Mile. I started up with a little warm-up on the rowing machine. I'd just played the Fishing Game, which was pretty fun! I found that warming up on another machine enabled me to start running at my desired "jog" pace, which is a little fast when I'm starting cold. (I was doing speed intervals today.)
I started out on this treadmill, but I noticed that the speed kept decreasing when I switched to my run pace. I thought maybe something was wrong with the machine. So I tried the one next to it, and the belt was all wonky. I scooted to the next, and noticed the same thing with the speed when I tried to sprint at the end. So maybe it's just a thing of the machine adjusting if it seems that the person using can't keep up with the belt. Hmmm.
Here's my leftover fro yo! Not quite as tasty after spending the night in the work freezer, but it was still pretty darn good-tasting. (And hopefully good for replacing those glycogen stores!)
Dinner [Not shown]: Mr. Handsome-and-Handy made a carne asada taco bar for our big ol' family birthday-fest for Thing 1! I should have snapped a photo. There was carne asada meat, grilled peppers & onions, warm corn tortillas, 2 kinds of cheese (cotija and a shredded Mexican blend), and fresh salsa (similar to Biz's "Baja Fresh" recipe), and chips. I ate 2 tacos at dinner and one later on, along with some chips and salsa and cheese. Oh, and I had a beer, too. We also had birthday dessert; I had a teeny slice of cake and about 1/2 an ounce of ice cream.
Wow - your treadmill does games? I saw the 'game over' and I thought it was a strange way of saying the workout ended.