Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Breakfast: The lovely usual!

Post-errand:  So I stopped at Whole Foods on the way to work.  The overt reason was to buy some toiletries, but the covert reason was to verify that yes, the dark chocolate was still there.  I also got some more kale chips.  I replenished my drawer supply and this little piggy caught me in the checkout lane.  Yes, it's dark chocolate, but it tasted a little more sugary than I like.  (Which does come with the territory, being a truffle.)

Pre-workout snack:  The rest of the beef jerky and some coffee with half-and-half and chia powder.

My foot is still sore, but I went to CardioSculpt and let my instructor know what was going on.  As I mentioned over on Opposite Life, squats without weight was okay, but I steered clear of the lunges.  I loved that she had us doing stuff on the bosu.  She had us kneeling on the bosu instead of standing while doing shoulders and biceps, which helped us work on balance and core as well as take pressure off the feet.

Lunch:  Mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette and extra vinegar, 2 oz. leftover steak with sauce, and a thinkThin Mixed Nuts and Chocolate Crunch bar.

I hadn't tried this kind before, although I have tried other of their bars (I had to quit buying the box of the mini toffee bars).  Stats were 11 grams fat, 15 grams total carb, and 10 grams protein.  Regarding the carb count, the breakdown was 4 fiber, 2 sugar...presumably the remaining 9 were from the nuts and also from the sugar alcohols (a type of reduced calorie sweetener).  These bars use maltitol, but unlike other bars I've seen that use maltitol, the sugar alcohols are not listed separately under the carbs in the nutrition data.  Low carb followers typically deduct all fiber and sugar alcohols from the total carbs - which is why you often see a "net carb" count on the front label of bars and candy that looks very different from the total carb count in the nutrition data on the back.  ADA guidelines say to deduct half of the sugar alcohol count from the total carb count.

The bar was mildly nutty, with large chunks of peanut and almond.  The chocolate coating was not terribly noticeable.  I thought the bar was okay, but not amazing.  (For a nut-based bar, I prefer the Kind bars.  This was more similar to the peanut butter Kashi granola bars, which are sometimes stocked in the work breakroom.)

Afternoon snack:  Kale madness hit.  I served up some and ate this.

I also ate the rest of the bag.  This brand seemed to have less of the bit stemmy parts, but it's also more expensive.  I wish this stuff was as cheap as potato chips.  Although I guess if you're having a pity party about your athletic training derailed, kale chips are probably the better choice.

Dinner:  It was "fend for yourself" night at Casa del Pubsfolk, so I fended for myself very nicely.  I picked up some takeout from Happy Taco and shared with Mr. Handsome&Handy.  Here's my plate: 1/2 carne asada nachos and 1/3 al pastor burrito (beans, but no rice) from Happy Taco, y una cerveza fria.  La cena era muy saborosa!  (And there is leftover burrito for my lunch!)

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