Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Saturday 4 September - Monday 6 September, 2010

I'm a little late this week.  Bear with...

Ahhh...the weekend! I was kind of lax on the photo-taking of food, maybe because I was so distracted by all of the fun stuff going on!

Saturday 4 September

Breakfast:  Just your ordinary Saturday breakfast at Casa del Pubsfolk, right?  Protein waffle (Lori's excellent recipe!), veggie and cheese frittata, bacon, and mugs of coffee (real!) with half-and-half and almond milk....

BUT WAIT!  Who's that!?!  Yes, it's Debby of the blog Debby Weighs In!  *squeeee!!!!!*

We had an awesome blogger meet-up this weekend; she came over for breakfast, and we went to the Kings Mountain Art Fair!  (And, *blush*, Debbie had to remind me to take my breakfast photo.)

Lunch:  Lunch was at "Grill 56" at the Kings Mountain Art Fair.  I had the chili cheeseburger, sans bun; so tasty!  Everything tastes better in the forest.

I felt peckish when I got home, so I had a leftover protein waffle with some sugar-free strawberry jam.  I wish I'd toasted it first.

Dinner:  Sorry, no photos, although it was photo-worthy!  Thing 2 and I made chicken salad out of the leftover Costco chicken, and she helped make Mr. H&H and I wraps with chicken salad, romaine lettuce, tomato, and ranch dressing in a "Flat Out" wrap.  Yum!  And we all ate some nuts after dinner.

Sunday 5 September

Breakfast: The Things wanted to try some new donut flavors, so I got a maple French donut and a chocolate Old Fashioned with chocolate frosting. Thing 2 didn't like the maple one, and she thought the chocolate one tasted "like hot chocolate." Thing 1 liked them both. I had about 1/4 of each....

...and a donut hole and some of the usual coffee...

and then a little while later, some sausage & gravy with a toasted leftover protein waffle.  Glad we fueled up, because we had a busy morning doing this:

Selling enormous cookies at the fair!  Thing 1 was quite an excellent barker, he enjoyed shouting out how huge and tasty the cookies were to fairgoers.  Thing 2 and I took the wagon and wandered around the fair, passing out samples and selling cookies.  (Thing 2 would every so often shyly mutter, "cookies" at passers-by.)  The fundraiser was a success; our school sold all of the cookies by the end of the fair on Monday!

Here's the booth volunteers' tray of samples.  (The customer samples tray was much more neatly organized into different cookie type.)  I ate a couple of pieces; after the bake, I knew how all of the cookies tasted.

Lunch:  Well, I got a picture of the half of a hamburger I finished for Thing 2.  We ended our shift when she went on hunger strike.  (I ended up eating just the top bun with the patty.)  Boy, those were tasty, even with just the ketchup and mustard!  Having the patty in the chili yesterday sort of diluted the burger taste a bit.

Not shown:  Later, when Mr. H&H and Thing 1 finished their shift, I ordered a bowl of chili, but I was already pretty full, so I ate half and gave the rest to Mr. H&H.  They had one of his favorite kinds of beer on tap, so he was a happy man.  I also had a bit of the chocolate chip cookie we bought.  We spent another few hours wandering around the fair and doing the kids' stuff.

So of course, no one felt like cooking dinner.  We went to a local fish place, Ketch Joanne.

I ate Thing 2's sourdough crusts.

I had some fried mushrooms, too (Mr. H&H and I split these).  Sure, they tasted good, but the batter is the same as for the fish & chips, and it's overkill for veggies.  Reminder to self:  It's okay to let food like this go to waste.  Really.

Here's the entree: salmon and veggies and baked potato.  I was planning to eat the skin of the potato and take the rest home, but I ended up eating only about 4 bites of potato and taking the rest home.  (The salmon looks good, and it tasted pretty good, but it was a touch too dry, and they tried to compensate with butter.  I found myself wishing I'd gotten the grilled cod instead, because Mr. H&H's dish was perfect.)

We all felt overly full after dinner, except Thing 2, who is one of those rare beings who eats until she's full (which is usually half or less of what she's served) and then - get this - stop eating.  She sometimes, mid dinner, gets up and wanders away from the table or starts entertaining Thing 1 and the rest of us, and seems to forget that it's time to eat.  That said, there are a few foods she really adores and will eat more of than her usual.  She's particular, and when it comes to food, it's a trait I don't mind fostering.  (I'm wondering how much of it is what they call "compensation," a child's tendency to eat less calories at one meal if they've had a lot at a previous one.  This trait is said to diminish with age, and is doing so earlier & earlier in our modern food environment.  Yes, I've been riveted to The End of Overeating lately.  More thoughts on that later, probably over on Opposite Life.)  Anyhow, Mama definitely needs to take a page from her book.

Mr. H&H and I are thinking that eating out for breakfast or lunch instead of dinner is the better way to go.  (Not just the feeling afterward, but also the expense - this outing nearly doubled the amount we spent that day.)  Or, if we do go out to dinner, do our "split an entrée" trick, like we did on our morning date to Alice's Restaurant.

Monday 6 September

Today ended up being a weird, snacky day.

Breakfast:  I had one of these and about another hole's worth of the leftover chocolate glazed twist.

And a handful of these.

...And some backyard produce.  (Body:  Fresh veggies!  And fruit!  Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!)

Later on, I had something more recognizably breakfast: the usual toast, leftover sausage gravy, the usual coffee.

Pre-lunch:  Some more nuts.

...and an apple.

About an hour or two later, after inventorying my knitting needles, I had some chicken salad....

Side note:  Why is it that one never seems to have the correct needles for the patterns one buys?  Or is that just me?  And then there's the UFO (unfinished object) problem.  Do I sell the pattern and yarn that actually go together at my garage sale, because I haven't made them in the 10 years I've had them?  And what do I do with the sweater I knit and that still needs buttons, but that I now don't really like that much?

...and a little more chicken salad, with half a slice of Russian rye bread with butter/canola spread and an iced coffee.  I drank about half of it.  It was decaf.

I then felt overcome with sleepiness.  Because apparently inventorying knitting needles is that strenuous.  The house was calm, kids entertaining themselves quietly, Mr. H&H on the computer, I figured I'd just...zzzzz......

....Wow, that felt really good.  Nothing more luxurious than a nap on a nice day with the windows open, it's like snoozing on a screened porch.

Dinner:  An unflattering photograph of a mighty tasty dinner:  bacon cheeseburger patty with spicy mustard, potato skins reheated on the bbq, and broccoli with butter/canola.

I finished Thing 2's broccoli.

I had some chocolate chips and just a little bit of peanut butter cookie...because peanuts tasted a lot better with the chocolate chips.

I also tried making an iced coffee smoothie, but it turned out gross and I threw it out.

You know?  I'm so done with cookies.  At least until next year.  (Now, if only our school would do a big nut roasting and nut sales, maybe I'll get sick of them, too.....)


  1. Yay for protein waffles! I worry sometimes when people try a recipe because you never know if they will be liked.

    You are quite the artist, I have to say - quite the likeness of Debby!

  2. Do you know how much I love your posts? I read this when I came home from my walk in my fowl mood and you just made me laugh. Thanks especially for making it look like I only ate half of that giant cheeseburger LOL! And yes, it definitely was a worthyburger.

    Knitting needle mayhem. Do you like circular needles or only straight needles. I may be able to send you some extras to keep on hand. Because yes, you never have the ones you need even though you took 5 sets with you on a trip, so then you have to buy another one that you know you have at home. Anyways, let me know. I would be very glad to 'pay it backwards.'
